Monday, March 14, 2016

How To Loom Knit A Baby Hat

When I received my loom set and sat down to open it, I was extremely excited. On a side note, I always get overly excited/happy, deeply sad, or raging angry...there is no in-between regarding my emotions.  OK, back to loom knitting.  Upon opening the set, I wanted to loom knit something immediately and I wanted it to result in a perfectly knitted item. You can laugh, I laughed thinking about that day; there was no way the end result would be perfect, but I was going to try my hardest.  I parked myself in my favorite spot on the couch, grabbed my kindle and dove into YouTube.

 Authentic NotionsI'm not the type of person who can watch a video, and give my project a try; nope, I have to watch a minimum of 10 videos to check out technique, yarn usage, and pattern differences.  Once I decided on the video tutorial that I wanted to use, I grabbed my little blue 24 peg loom, and wrapped pegs like it was my job.

The video that I chose, taught me to do a simple cast on, the e-wrap knit stitch, how to create a brim, and lastly how to complete my little hat with a drawstring cast off.
I was hooked, pun intended, on loom knitting.  I fell in love with the little hat, and proceeded to make dozens of them for practice.

I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I have yet to master the skill of creating a YouTube tutorial video, but I really want to share a tutorial video with you.  The following video, is that first video that I followed to make my first ever baby hat.

I would love to see your baby hat creations, and hear about your loom knitting experiences; my Facebook page is a great place to share your pictures with me.
You can also find me on Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube.

 Creative Hobbies Round Loom Knitting Set

Please leave me a comment with your thoughts, suggestions, or pictures.

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