Saturday, February 20, 2016

What Makes Up A Work-Area?

I really pondered my work area this week.  When I consider what a work area for a crafter should look like, I think of lots of cubbies and shelves to organize all the different colors, textures, or type of stash items. Something like this:

This craft area/work space, is absolutely stunning.  Just looking at this space makes me want to create beautiful things.  I love the white furniture, the soft sea-green wall, the large window with the sitting bench; and let's not pretend that we don't see that vintage chandelier. I absolutely love this work area.

I would probably rarely work in this space, though. First, I wouldn't want to destroy it with my hoarding, unorganized mess of a craft-stash...or as my fiance calls it: my crap-stash.

I want to share with you my work area.  I have 2, but today I'm going to share with you where I do my loom knitting.  Its small and cozy; I get to watch television, I get to engage in conversations with my fiance and I don't feel separated from my living space.
A few years ago, when the children grew up and moved out, I took a room (or 2, or 3) over as a craft space.  I rarely used the space though,  because I continually felt separated from where everyone else was; or where they would be if they were there. I hope that makes some type of sense.  Either way, I've apparently got some separation anxiety issue; let's move on.

I have managed to weedle my craft space down to one little spot. Sometimes I start to get out of hand; my crafty tendrils begin to find their way around the living room, and into the dining room. Then I am forced to organize and reign in my creativity outbursts

I feel I need to make it clear that I don't only use this space to loom knit, I also use this space to read and to journal.

Do you consider your work space/craft-area, a sacred space? I spend most of my time alone, and I find that I view that little space as sacred to me, as mine (even though I have an entire house to claim as mine).  It's where I sit quietly in the early morning, drinking my coffee and reading the Scripture.  It's where I journal my inter-most thoughts and prayers. It's where I calm my mind and pour my love into my loom knitted projects.

You can see my projects in my shop.
Please, come leave me a message on my Facebook page. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

THE Name: Authentic Notions

About 3 years ago, I was making jewelry and I considered starting a brand; I sat down and considered a name. What's in a name? A name that describes me in a nut-shell, a name that can grow with me, a name that sits well with my mind: Authentic Notions.

AUTHENTIC: adjective; meaning: genuine.
NOTIONS: noun; meaning: impulse or desire

I am the type of person that never seems settled. I jump from one task to another, one project to another, one book to another, one hobby to another, and so on and so on.  They are genuine impulses to create.  Some will argue that this lifestyle of jumping around is caused by my illness; I will argue that I was gifted with authentic notions, genuine desires to create beauty in the world around me.

Even, my style of dress jumps around in sporadic ways; I've left the house looking silly to others, but feeling like a million bucks!

Last year, I was a self-proclaimed mixed media artist! I created beautiful altered bottles. I really enjoyed the creative process of altered art. The problem that I had with being a mixed media artist is the stash vs room issue. I have 2 flaws that make mixed media a nightmare for those around me: disorganization and hoarding. Just sit with that for a minute and feel my fiance's pain.  I had 3 rooms filled with what I called my craft-stash.

This year is the year of The Loom! I do not have a job, so besides my bible study group and donating time to the church I attend, I have lots of time to loom knit.  I have only just mastered the round looms; but believe me, there are plenty of cool patterns.  I really like the variety that the round looms offer.  I can do round and I can do flat panel.
I did recently order a long loom, but have been having so much fun with the round ones, that I have yet to pick it up.

The loom set that I use to make my lovely creations is:

Creative Hobbies® Round Knitting Loom Complete Set w/ 4 Looms, Needle, Hook & Instructions

This set includes all that you need to get started besides the yarn.

Here's To New Beginnings

I found myself starting a new bible study group through The Vineyard, the church I attend.  A group of women, we meet together weekly to pray, learn, and support each other.

I'm not completely sure of the discussion that brought up the topic of loom knitting, I think it may have been community service ideas.  A few of the women loom knit hats for a local elementary school.  I joined the discussion and mentioned that I loved the idea and within 5 minutes a brand new loom set with 3 skeins of yarn was dropped into my lap.  My friend said "I knew God brought this to me for someone!"

I drove home, thrilled with my gift!  I immediately pulled up youtube and began researching how to loom knit.  I found various tutorials. The best one I found for a beginner was a tutorial loom-a-long for a preemie baby hat.
In 45 minutes I had completed my first loom knit project and oh boy, was a proud of myself.  I practiced this new found skill by completing 8-10 more preemie baby hats.  I didn't have a preemie baby available to me to gift these tiny hats to, so I donated them to my local hospital's neonatal unit.  They really appreciated them.  I've continued to make about a dozen a month, purely for donation.

From here I have moved onto bigger projects, such as: baby snuggly sac sets, warm, thick cowls, adult mock crochet hats, and custom created leg warmers.
I received so many compliments on my creations, that I gained enough confidence to open my own Etsy shop.